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Human resource development process, we adhere to the concept of innovation, system innovation; adhere to the creation of a fair, just and open atmosphere, to establish a mechanism to realize their full potential in achieving ambitious corporate objectives, to provide the full realization of each person room for the development of self-worth - "with how much you can turn off, give what you take the stage." 1, to conduct fair, impartial, open and competitive market competition, to avoid cronyism. 2, "in power should be controlled, promotion making competition, to the expiry of rotation" on-the-job in the management of personnel have been controlled. Under the conditions of the market economy to achieve "Employers do not suspect, the suspect does not." 3, fixed eliminated. Quota phase-out is in a certain time and within a few per cent of the staff must have been eliminated. 4, Crane human resources development, market-based mechanisms: enterprise inside and outside there are two markets, the internal market is how to meet staff‘s needs, increase their motivation, the external market is how to meet the needs of users. Everyone has their own market, there is a need for the main body responsible for our own market. The next working procedure is the user, who represents the user, or if he is the market. Each employee is not the most important responsibility of his superiors, and more importantly, the market is responsible to him.

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